Dating for Professionals & Entrepreneurs
Free video below:
How YOU can start going on dates with the most attractive women you see in your day to day life, that you usually just let walk past you, even if you don't have the best confidence...
as an entrepreneur or businessman who doesn't have much time but still wants to have amazing relationships with the beautiful women you see... but you just don't know how!
Dating for Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Client Testimonials

"First week in the program!"

  • Problem: Client "Didn't have the time" to meet women as his work routine was hectic. He thought it would take a long time to fix his dating life.
  • Solution: I showed him an easy way to approach his dream woman without dealing with anxiety.
  • Result: He can now focus his attention on scaling his business without wondering about what relationships he is missing out on.

"I can finally go anywhere and have the confidence to meet women."

  • Problem: Client had tried a lot of different things to meet women but wasn't focused on what really works for his specific situation..
  • Solution: I cut down all the unnecessary things he was doing & simply started focusing on (MMT) Masculine basics.
  • Result: Able to finally have an amazing dating life after years of it being non existent.

"I Always Make Excuses"

  • Problem: Client could not stop making excuses for his self every time he seen a beautiful woman he wanted in his life.
  • Solution: I gave him a new belief system and showed him a way he could start getting REAL results. How he could meet & hangout with women he was extremely attracted to on the spot.
  • Result: Now he is EXACTLY where he thought he could NEVER be with his connections with women!

"Looking To Meet Somebody I Can Make My Girlfriend"

  • Problem: "I am looking for a girlfriend" Client was looking to meet someone who had girlfriend potential but did not know how to go about. He didn't think he had the time as well
  • Solution: I showed him an easy way (MMT) to approach and get a date with his dream woman without stress
  • Result: He is now extremely focused and excelling in his career with an amazing relationship. 

"I Can't Get Over My Anxiety When I See Beautiful Women"

  • Problem: Client who tried to get over his anxiety many times before but wasn't focused on what really works.
  • Solution: Was able to pin point the reoccurring issue that prevented him from going for what he really wanted.
  • Result: ALSO able to finally have an amazing dating life after years of it being non existent.

"It Takes Years & Years To Fix My Dating Life"

  • Problem: Client had disempowering beliefs that were working against him. STUCK in disempowering mindsets.
  • Solution: Showed him the common mistakes men make and how to easily avoid them when it comes to meeting women you’re attracted to. Replacing those with EMPOWERING beliefs.
  • Result: Client now experiencing ACTUAL transformation in his REAL life with REAL results!
My MMT (Man Mode Transformation) structure transforms your dating life as an entrepreneur or businessman without spending hours and hours feeling lost or having random platonic conversations.
  • You know What To Do When You See The Most Attractive Women You Would Like To Meet In Your Day To Day Life.
  • Start Meeting & Going On Dates With Your Dream Woman & Developing Abundance In Your Dating Life
  • ​Build Core Confidence You Can Take Anywhere In The World
With my training you will know EXACTLY how to get dates with just a little time invested per week so you can focus on your business.

What I Do

We are helping entrepreneurs who want to improve their dating life! Busy professionals who want to have amazing connections with the most attractive women they see in their day to day life.
The goal of our training: Learn how to land dates with attractive women you see without feeling lost spending YEARS missing out on your dating life.


  • Entrepreneurs and business owners

  • Businessmen and managers

  • People who have to focus on more important things
We have helped 100's of entrepreneurs and businessmen to start enjoying their dating life in the last year!


  • Establish a proven system that constantly get you dates 
  • Quit those time & energy draining beliefs and focus on what really works. 
  • Creating a personal & flexible plan which allows you furthermore to enjoy your life fully and also brings results.
Click on the button below to get to the application form.
About Taysocial
Our founder & coach Taysocial 
Taysocial helps entrepreneurs, businessmen and managers to transform their dating life. Thereby he is specialized in meeting the MOST attractive women you see daily at ease with minimum time investment

He shows how to meet your absolute dream women without spending years wishing you could or wasting your time with other unnecessary bullsh*t that delivers NO results. 

For this there is no "I don't know what to say" or tons and tons of wishing you could just say something.. (which you know probably very well) 

Your goal is easily achieved if you fall back on proven concepts that attract while you sit back and enjoy your life. 

How does the application-process look like?

1. You apply for the free consultation call.

In the first step you have to go to my short application form. By filling it out you are giving me some information about your current situation and yourself so I know how I can help you the best.

2. A team member will call you and interview you.

In the second step a member of my team will give you a short call to interview you. It will take 10 minutes to ask you some questions about the things that you want to accomplish and what obstacles are keeping you from achieving your goals.

3. We coordinate an appointment together.

In the last step we will coordinate an appointment together were we both have 45-60 minutes for the free consultation call. In our call we will create an individual step by step plan for your current situation.

Apply now for a free consultation call!

Please be aware of: Unfortunately, we are physically unable to serve more than a handful of customers while delivering strong results at the same time.
Our service is highly in demand. To work with us, an application is necessary. 
In a free consultation call, we'll find out which strategies are best for your 
current situation and which levers will help you to get the next breakthrough.

Click on the button below to get to the application form:

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